Encore Class: Fire Cider Infusing Workshop - The Age-Old Cure-All 1.27.22

Our last class was so popular, we are hosting an encore! Whether you want to fight cold & flu season, or just feel great, this class is for you! Learn to make the age-old cure-all in this workshop Thursday, January 27, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

What is Fire Cider and why is everyone drinking it? We'll talk about the health benefits of each ingredient in this metabolism & anti-inflammatory tonic, then pitch in together and chop! Whether you want to fight cold & flu season, or just feel great, this class is for you! Once you know the method, you can make your own version all winter long.

Did you know that Fire Cider takes 3 weeks to infuse? (We best get started now)

This is a Hands-On Workshop, and you will leave with a quart of your very own Homemade Fire Cider and a refillable Mason Jar with label.

Pam Lillis is a certified Nutritional Health Coach as well as a Master Preserver & Culinary Instructor specializing in all methods of canning and preserving. Pam loves to teach her students to preserve real organic fruits and vegetables to enjoy year round. Whether you are interested in shrubs & tonics, jams & pickles — or any of the bounty from each season, small-batch canning is easy to learn from this Master Preserver. Pam is the owner of Pam's Jams at Cook Up A Storm in Westport CT.