Visit the Farm for a Pollinator Pathway Tour 6.25.22

Garden greetings, pollinator friends!

Coming this weekend is the *FREE* first-ever multi-town pollinator pathway tour, June 25th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (gardens in Westport plus Weston, Ridgefield, Greenwich, Darien, Guilford and Westchester too!).  

Westport gardens are: The fabulous private Prospect Gardens, three separate gardens at different stages of development at Earthplace, Wakeman Town Farm’s 100-ft. pollinator border, and the Smith Richardson preserve’s two pollinator meadows. Each garden will have guides/gardeners on hand to answer questions and provide information.

Check out the descriptions and directions at the link below and plan your tour.

*small fee for the Aldrich museum, all other sites are free.