Milkweed Growing and Monarch Raising Lecture with Alice Ely 8.29.22

Milkweed Growing and Monarch Raising Lecture with Alice Ely

8/29 @ 6:30 PM


Suitable for families

Monarchs, the once plentiful beauties of yard and field, have suffered habitat loss so great that their numbers in recent years have dwindled to 10% of their peak population.  They are called the ‘poster child’ for pollinator habitat protection, owing to their beauty and the remarkable feat of their annual migration to Mexico and back. Protecting Monarchs leads us to a wider awareness of the fragility of insect populations, the steady assault on their numbers through the indiscriminate use of pesticides, and the vital role that diverse native species play in keeping our planet healthy.  At this talk you’ll learn about how to attract a bevy of egg-laying Monarchs to your garden, how to raise the odds by raising the eggs into hungry Monarch caterpillars, and finally, healthy adult Monarchs, as well as some tips on how to grow a variety of different milkweed species to help them thrive.