April Break: Little Farmer Parent and Me Playdate Drop-in Classes!!

Casual and social playdates — a great way to create community connections, meet people and experience Wakeman Town Farm!

Farm Playdates: 4/14 & 4/15, 10:00 am

These one-hour playdates are designed specifically for parents and wee ones to get together in a friendly social setting and meet other people in town with children in the same age bracket. Weather permitting, we will spend time outside visiting the Farm’s mini menagerie, including our adorable alpacas, sheep and chickens. When we have extra time, the kiddos will get busy doing fun arts and craft activities that our instructors change frequently for variety. At the top of each playdate, our instructor will ask parents to introduce themselves and their kiddos as an ice breaker. These playdates designed to be casual and social — a great way to create community connections and meet nice people! Choose the time slot that suits you, bring your coffee, and enjoy your Farm visit!