In partnership with Patagonia, Wakeman Town Farm will show the short film Unbroken Ground, a look at how food is connected to climate change. Start time: 7:30 p.m., Wakeman Town Farm, Tim’s Kitchen
Our food choices are deeply connected to climate change. Food will play a critical role in the next frontier of our efforts to solve the environmental crisis. Join us to celebrate the release of Unbroken Ground, a compelling new film by Chris Malloy that explores four areas of agriculture that aim to change our relationship to the land and oceans.
After the film, we will have Eleanor (Ellie) Angerame, from Green Village Initiative (GVI), for a discussion on the film and things we can do as a community to make a positive impact. GVI is a food justice and urban agriculture nonprofit organization.
Proud Bridgeport native, Ellie returned to a Bridgeport after pursuing an undergraduate degree in visual socio-anthropology from Wheaton College and apprenticing on an organic vegetable farm in Maine. Ellie has brought her skills as a farmer, youth educator, and lifelong-learner to her passion for working at the intersection of food justice, community food security, and agriculture. She is passionate about connecting black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC), and first-generation urban farmers and entrepreneurs to land and resources they need to build a food landscape that is just and nourishing. For over five years Ellie has seeded and farmed thousands of pounds of vegetables alongside gardeners, farmers, volunteers, neighbors, friends, and “farm-ily” on Reservoir Community Farm and looks forward to continuing to grow alongside the city she loves. She serves on Bridgeport’s Farmers Market Collaborative, the New Connecticut Farmer Alliance, American Farmland Trust’s Working Lands Alliance and acts as an urban agriculture advisor for Bridgeport’s Food Policy Council.